A few years back, Dan had built a Jersey Devil for a haunt we did in my backyard. It was a rod puppet and needed two people to operate it (see below), We knew the Devil in D&DD had to be operated by one person. 

 Dan was inspired by the Iorek Berenson, the polar bear puppet in a London staging of The Golden Compass.

He opted for a "backpack" design, and the creature's body would ultimately be inspired by both the Wendigo and the Jersey Devil.

He did an initial mock up with cardboard.

Then produced the limbs with a 3D printer.

And assembled it on a five foot stepladder.

He added wings.

And fur.

It started to remind us of Gossamer, the hairy, red monster from Bugs Bunny.

He produced a horse skull and deer antlers, again with the 3D printer, and glued them together.

Then he painted it.

Lo and behold. One wearable Jersey Devil puppet/creature suit.